This week we have finally managed to have something ticked off the to-do list. Two sets of points at Lydney junction were fast approaching the iffy end of worn out and demanded replacement. Due to the nature of these bullhead points ( B and D types for those of a technical ilk.) we had to have both the stock rails and switch blades made up from new by the Caerphilly based contractor Prices.
Pointwork arriving by truck on Thursday at Lydney Junction. Pic by Rob Alpin.
Rails being installed with the help of an Ironman lifting rig. Pic by Rob Alpin.
We are hoping that the most we will have to do to these sets of points now is some possible resleepering in a good few years. Other than basic everyday maintenance we hope that is all we will have to do.
Today however consisted of some slightly less glamorous work. Due to the winding nature of the track above Norchard (Some pretty tight curves and reverse curves.) we have to install flange greasers. It had been brought to our attention by the loco crews that the flange noise was getting excessive on these curves. First port of call was the greaser at Upper Forge before the reverse curve before Fish Farm Curve. This had recently had its actuator re-commissioned but unfortunately a leak developed in its housing. This was rectified and now seems to be working well. Hopefully this will cure the flange squeal at this end.
Greaser with freshly sorted actuator. Pic by Ed Dyer
The other greaser is located near Tufts Bridge and luckily this just needed topping up with shedload of grease. Unluckily this grease gets over everything and everyone while doing it!
To aid the running back and forward along the line, the trusty Geismar was broken out and given and airing. We also did a quick run to Whitecroft in order to collect a couple of buckets for the civil engineering team and their 360 digger. This trolley and it's trailer is quite possibly the most versatile tool our department has!
Rob driving. About to depart for Tufts. The sun was glorious!
However the weather was somewhat dubious despite the heat...
A couple of horrifically wet showers! This combined with greasy rails and greasy wet wheels made driving the Geismar a wee bit interesting.
A productive day was had by all, and it is always nice to tick something off the to-do list. However a minor setback was achieved towards the end of the day. Due to the pair of us working under a line possession we had to return the token to Norchard signalbox at the end of the day. However, we succeeded in locking the keys to the signalbox in our newly constructed Geismar shed, along with the shed keys... Luckily we were able to cut the chain holding the doors shut and recover the key. Unluckily my finger got in the way. Hacksaws eh? Who'd have them!
Until next time everyone!